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Create Server

Name & FQDN

To begin, please enter the IP of your server or the fully-qualified name.

Optionally, give this server a label. This will appear in the server nagivation.

Server Group

Where would you like server to go?

Service Selection

It's recommended that you select at least one service, like ping.

Please choose the services you'd like Panopta to monitor. Any service you select will be given a default check frequency of 1 minute.

Monitoring Location

We determined Chicago to be the closest location to monitor If you would like to change this, or you think this is incorrect, please select a different monitoring location.

Notification Schedule

Select the notification schedule to be used for outages.

Also using ALIS Production:
  • Corporate sites

Agent Setup

The Panopta Agent allows you to monitor local resources (disk usage, cpu usage, etc). If you would like to set that up now, please download and follow the install instructions.

You will be given a server key after you install the Agent on . If you know your server key now, please enter it below.

There was a problem with your submission. Please correct the errors and re-submit.
There was a problem submitting the form. Please try again in a minute.
was created successfully.
Create another server or Done